2016 – A year for MAKING ROOM – Clearing clutter and creating space for God to move freely and powerfully in your life.

May 2016 not be a year of waiting idly for things to happen, but a year of preparing expectantly for things to happen. GREATER THINGS.

That means unproductive attitudes, bad habits, selfish ambitions, overcrowded schedules, unforgiveness, toxic relationships, destructive memories, unnecessary noise, junk in the closet (literally and figuratively)… anything and everything that impedes God’s presence and free movement in your life… it all must go.

Sometimes subtracting is the only way to adding. As John the Baptist once said, “He must increase, and I must decrease.”

What clutter needs to be subtracted from your life in order for more of God’s power to be added to it? What promises of God are being withheld because we are failing to make room for them?

I declare 2016 to be a different year for you and for me… A year of new beginnings and new thinking. A year of healing, restoration, completeness, and greatness! A year of less distraction and more power, of less clutter and more peace…

May 2016 be a year that we MAKE ROOM for all that God wants to see accomplished in us and through us!