The campaigning is done, the election is now over, and thankfully the barrage of political ads have ceased, at least for a little while. But where does that leave us?
On election night, so many emotions and questions coursed through my mind. Is our nation better? Is it worse? What does the future hold? Leading up to election day, it felt like so much was at stake. And, indeed, there was. But, as the results rolled in and I began to weigh out the impending consequences for our nation, I was reminded of something so simple. Regardless of the outcome, good or bad, one thing still remained. The calling of my life, and that of every Christian, continues. Tomorrow will come whether the sky is red or blue. The show does, in fact, go on. And the mission remains.
Invariably, God didn’t save the Church to win elections. He saved us to win the lost; to make disciples; to grow in Christ, to care for the orphan, widow, and poor. Sure, as Christians, we bear a critical, unwavering responsibility to employ our civic duty, to champion biblical principle, and to protect family values. Without question, our care and concern for this country and its course are vital. But when election outcomes unfold as they may, what is our response then? What is our resolve?
Now is not the time for contention or anxiety, distraction or divisiveness. Rather, it is a time to rise up, refocus, and reprioritize. We need to engage the community and culture with renewed fervor. We need to rededicate ourselves to rebuilding the American family. We need to continue speaking hope to the poor and broken. We need to keep introducing people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the mission that remains. This is the cause in which we live.
Obama or Romney? At this moment, what matters even more to me is my election in Christ, of which I am an ambassador to a hurting world, a missionary even to my own community. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “The Church exists to draw men into Christ. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, sermons…. are simply a waste of time.” At this critical junction in America, may we redeem the time and, most importantly, be about our Father’s business.
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” (2 Cor 5:20)